Import and Blacklist Investors
Angels Partners’ "Investor Database" list is a database of 100k+ high-profile investors you can contact using our automated campaigns.
With our "Import Investors" feature, you can import investors into your campaigns to automate your outreach to investors who are outside of Angels Partners.
Our "Blacklist Investors" feature allows you to blacklist investors you have already contacted outside of the platform. We will ensure they will not be contacted again.
This article will guide you on how to use the "Import Investors” and “Blacklist Investors” features to make sure you get the most out of your campaigns.
First, access your dashboard and click on the “Import Investors” button:

Select either the Import or Blacklist option:

You can choose to either upload a CSV file or enter the emails manually.

To enter the emails manually, please make sure to fill in the form. Both the First Name and Email fields are mandatory.

Select the campaign you’d like to add the investor to and click Import.

To upload a CSV, add your file and match the columns with the type from the drop-down menu.

Note: The email address is essential in order to use the Import Investors feature. Similarly, If you are uploading a CSV file, it is essential to have the corresponding variables in the templates of the campaign you’d like to import the investors to.
For example, if you’d like to add data on the investor’s city, make sure your campaign contains the {{ investorCity }} variable. If you have this variable in your campaign but do not have the corresponding data on the file you’re uploading, make sure to wrap your sentence between {% if investorCity %}{% endif %}. Here’s how that looks: I see that you actively invest {% if investorCity %} in {{ investorCity }}{% endif %}.
For a full list of our available variables and more tips on how to use them, please consult our article here.
Select the campaign you’d like to add the investor to.

Once you click on “Import” you will receive a report. Please make sure to go through the data. To confirm, click the “Import” button.

You can choose to either upload a CSV file or enter the emails manually.

To enter the emails manually, please make sure to fill in the form.

To upload a CSV, add your file and match the columns with the type from the drop-down menu.

Note: The email address is the only mandatory field in order to use the Blacklist Investors feature.
Once you click on “Blacklist” you will receive a report. Please make sure to go through the data. To confirm, click the “Blacklist” button.

All done! Our campaign engine will do the rest of the work for you.
With our "Import Investors" feature, you can import investors into your campaigns to automate your outreach to investors who are outside of Angels Partners.
Our "Blacklist Investors" feature allows you to blacklist investors you have already contacted outside of the platform. We will ensure they will not be contacted again.
This article will guide you on how to use the "Import Investors” and “Blacklist Investors” features to make sure you get the most out of your campaigns.
First, access your dashboard and click on the “Import Investors” button:

Select either the Import or Blacklist option:

How to import investors
You can choose to either upload a CSV file or enter the emails manually.

To enter the emails manually, please make sure to fill in the form. Both the First Name and Email fields are mandatory.

Select the campaign you’d like to add the investor to and click Import.

To upload a CSV, add your file and match the columns with the type from the drop-down menu.

Note: The email address is essential in order to use the Import Investors feature. Similarly, If you are uploading a CSV file, it is essential to have the corresponding variables in the templates of the campaign you’d like to import the investors to.
For example, if you’d like to add data on the investor’s city, make sure your campaign contains the {{ investorCity }} variable. If you have this variable in your campaign but do not have the corresponding data on the file you’re uploading, make sure to wrap your sentence between {% if investorCity %}{% endif %}. Here’s how that looks: I see that you actively invest {% if investorCity %} in {{ investorCity }}{% endif %}.
For a full list of our available variables and more tips on how to use them, please consult our article here.
Select the campaign you’d like to add the investor to.

Once you click on “Import” you will receive a report. Please make sure to go through the data. To confirm, click the “Import” button.

Blacklist Investors
You can choose to either upload a CSV file or enter the emails manually.

To enter the emails manually, please make sure to fill in the form.

To upload a CSV, add your file and match the columns with the type from the drop-down menu.

Note: The email address is the only mandatory field in order to use the Blacklist Investors feature.
Once you click on “Blacklist” you will receive a report. Please make sure to go through the data. To confirm, click the “Blacklist” button.

All done! Our campaign engine will do the rest of the work for you.
Updated on: 24/01/2024
Thank you!