Articles on: Getting Started

How to use our Founder Community

Our new Founder Community is an easy way to connect with other founders in fundraising mode to exchange warm introductions.

This new community was designed specifically for founders to connect, collaborate, and exchange invaluable investor introductions. The Founder Community comes at no additional cost. It is accessible on the platform after you log in.

To start connecting with other founders, you need to fill out your founder message from your profile.

Click on your name in the top right-hand corner of the screen and then select “Founder Profile”.

This message will be shared with other founders to tell them about what type of introductions you are looking for and what you can offer in return.

You can now connect with fellow founders based on specific criteria such as industry, development stage, and country.

Connections are done on a case-by-case basis to ensure you're networking with the right people so that every interaction is relevant, valuable, and mutually beneficial.

Talk to startup founders and see if you can help each other with warm introductions.

Whether it's sharing insights, experiences, or warm introductions to investors, you remain in control of the information you share.

Visit your “Review Founder Profile” page to see exactly what your profile looks like to other founders.

If you do not want to be listed in the community, you can opt-out by visiting the “Community” section and clicking “No”.

Adding your LinkedIn profile will help you increase your reputation within the community.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions.

Updated on: 28/02/2024

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